# @name: solr.py # @creation_date: 2022-09-07 # @license: The MIT License # @author: Simon Bowie # @purpose: Performs Solr functions # @acknowledgements: import os import requests import re import urllib import random from . import ops # get config variables from OS environment variables: set in env file passed through Docker Compose solr_hostname = os.environ.get('SOLR_HOSTNAME') solr_port = os.environ.get('SOLR_PORT') def solr_search(core, sort, search=None, id=None): # Assemble a query string to send to Solr. This uses the Solr hostname from config.env. Solr's query syntax can be found at many sites including https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/the-standard-query-parser.html if id is not None: solrurl = 'http://' + solr_hostname + ':' + solr_port + '/solr/' + core + '/select?q.op=OR&q=id%3A"' + id + '"&wt=json' else: if (sort == 'relevance'): solrurl = 'http://' + solr_hostname + ':' + solr_port + '/solr/' + core + '/select?q.op=OR&q=content%3A' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(search) + '&wt=json' else: solrurl = 'http://' + solr_hostname + ':' + solr_port + '/solr/' + core + '/select?q.op=OR&q=content%3A' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(search) + '&wt=json&sort=' + sort # get result request = requests.get(solrurl) # turn the API response into useful Json json = request.json() if (json['response']['numFound'] == 0): output = 'no results found' else: output = [] for result in json['response']['docs']: # set ID variable id = result['id'] # set content variable content = result['content'] # parse result result_output = parse_result(id, content) output.append(result_output) return output def parse_result(id, input): output = {} output['id'] = id # set document reference number (used for OPS API) doc_ref = re.search('=D\s(([^\s]*)\s([^\s]*)\s([^\s]*))', input) if doc_ref is None: doc_ref = re.search('=D&locale=en_EP\s(([^\s]*)\s([^\s]*)\s([^\s]*))', input) output['doc_ref'] = doc_ref.group(1).replace(" ","") else: output['doc_ref'] = doc_ref.group(1).replace(" ","") # search for the application ID in the content element and display it application_id = re.search('Application.*\n(.*)\n', input) output['application_id'] = application_id.group(1) # search for the EPO publication URL in the content element and display it epo_publication = re.search('Publication.*\n(.*)\n', input) output['epo_publication_url'] = epo_publication.group(1) # search for the IPC publication URL in the content element and display it ipc_publication = re.search('IPC.*\n(.*)\n', input) output['ipc_publication_url'] = ipc_publication.group(1) # search for the title in the content element and display it title = re.search('Title.*\n(.*)\n', input) if title is not None: output['title'] = title.group(1) # search for the abstract in the content element and display it abstract = re.search('Abstract.*\n(.*)\n', input) if abstract is None: abstract = re.search('\(.\) \\n\\n(.*)\\n', input) if abstract is not None: output['abstract'] = abstract.group(1); # search for the year in the content element and display it year = re.search('=D[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s(\d{4})', input) if year is not None: output['year'] = year.group(1) return output def get_random_record(core): rand = str(random.randint(0, 9999999)) # Assemble a query string to send to Solr. This uses the Solr hostname from config.env. Solr's query syntax can be found at many sites including https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/the-standard-query-parser.html solrurl = 'http://' + solr_hostname + ':' + solr_port + '/solr/' + core + '/select?q.op=OR&q=*%3A*&wt=json&sort=random_' + rand + '%20asc&rows=1' # get result request = requests.get(solrurl) # turn the API response into useful Json json = request.json() if (json['response']['numFound'] == 0): output = 'no results found' else: output = [] for result in json['response']['docs']: # set ID variables id = result['id'] # set content variable content = result['content'] # parse result result_output = parse_result(id, content) output.append(result_output) return output def get_ten_random_elements(field): core = 'all' output = [] i = 0 while i <= 9: results = get_random_record(core) for result in results: if field in result: dict = {'id': result['id'], field: result[field]} output.append(dict) i += 1 return output def get_ten_random_images(): core = 'all' output = [] i = 0 while i <= 9: results = get_random_record(core) for result in results: if ops.get_images(result['doc_ref']): image = ops.get_images(result['doc_ref']) result.update(image) output.append(result) i += 1 return output