{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}
↪ The search interface breaks with the unspoken conventions of search engines, offering different entry points to the patent archive.
Performing Patents Otherwise
Archival conversations with 320,000 clothing inventions
↪ Main search engine sorting code: solrurl = 'http://' + solr_hostname + ':' + solr_port + '/solr/' + core + '/select?q.op=OR&q=content%3A' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(search) + '&wt=json&sort=' + sort; request = requests.get(solrurl); json = request.json()
↪ Archival conversations bring relational aspects of the archive to the fore that computational search cannot capture.
↪ Performing Patents Otherwise is a website is a book is a website has a table of content.
↪ Reflections on tools and methods from the makers of Performing Patents Otherwise.