Table of Contents

### [Frontmatter](/frontmatter) ### [Introduction](/introduction) ### Search interferences - [A search engine](/) - [A poetics of titles](/interferences/titles) - [A handful of fragments](/interferences/fragments) - [A scattering of images](/interferences/scattering) - [A random entry](/interferences/random) - [A juxtaposition of two](/interferences/juxtaposition) - [Mapping the archive](/data) ### [Archive conversations](/conversations) - [Sewing the Archive](/conversations/sewing-the-archive "links to conversations section Sewing the Archive") - [I, Martha Gowans](/conversations/i-martha-gowans "links to conversations section I, Martha Gowans") - [Caribbean Quilt](/conversations/caribbean-quilt "links to conversations section Caribbean Quilt") - [Women On The Move](/conversations/women-on-the-move "links to conversations section Women on the Move") ### [Making of](/making) - [Making Of—A Collective Interview](/making/interview "links to making-of section A Collective Interview") - [On Combining Databases and Books](/making/database-book "links to making-of section On Combining Databases and Books") - [Interfacing Data](/making/interface "links to making-of section Interfacing Data")