
changes to TOC

Simon Bowie 1 年之前
共有 21 個檔案被更改,包括 56 行新增70 行删除
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+ 7
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web/app/__init__.py 查看文件

@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ def create_app():
from .main import main as main_blueprint

# blueprint for search parts of app (Section 1: Searching the archive)
# blueprint for search parts of app
from .search import search as search_blueprint

# blueprint for interventions parts of app (Section 2: Search Interventions)
# blueprint for interventions parts of app (Section 1: Archive Interventions)
from .interventions import interventions as interventions_blueprint

# blueprint for hidden parts of app (Section 3: Hidden in plain sight)
# blueprint for hidden parts of app (Section 2: Hidden in plain sight)
from .hidden import hidden as hidden_blueprint

# blueprint for offrecord parts of app (Section 4: Off the record)
from .offrecord import offrecord as offrecord_blueprint
# blueprint for conversations parts of app (Section 3: Archive Conversations)
from .conversations import conversations as conversations_blueprint

# blueprint for making parts of app (Section 5: Making of)
# blueprint for making parts of app (Section 4: Making of)
from .making import making as making_blueprint

web/app/offrecord.py → web/app/conversations.py 查看文件

@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
# @name: offrecord.py
# @name: conversations.py
# @creation_date: 2022-10-27
# @license: The MIT License <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>
# @author: Simon Bowie <ad7588@coventry.ac.uk>
# @purpose: offrecord route for Section 4: Off the record
# @purpose: conversations route for Section 3: Archive Conversations
# @acknowledgements:

from flask import Blueprint, render_template
import markdown

offrecord = Blueprint('offrecord', __name__)
conversations = Blueprint('conversations', __name__)

# route for Martha Gowans page
def index():
with open('content/section_4/I-Martha-gowans.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_3/I-Martha-gowans.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)
return render_template('offrecord.html', text=text)
return render_template('conversations.html', text=text)

+ 8
- 8
web/app/hidden.py 查看文件

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# @creation_date: 2022-10-27
# @license: The MIT License <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>
# @author: Simon Bowie <ad7588@coventry.ac.uk>
# @purpose: hidden route for Section 3: Hidden in plain sight
# @purpose: hidden route for Section 2: Hidden in plain sight
# @acknowledgements:

from flask import Blueprint, render_template
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ hidden = Blueprint('hidden', __name__)
# route for hidden page
def index():
with open('content/section_3/intro-hidden.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_2/intro-hidden.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)
return render_template('hidden.html', text=text)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def index():
def expanding():
core = 'expanding'
with open('content/section_3/expanding.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_2/expanding.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def expanding():
def active():
core = 'active'
with open('content/section_3/active.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_2/active.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def active():
def secret():
core = 'secret'
with open('content/section_3/secret.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_2/secret.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def secret():
def leaking():
core = 'leaking'
with open('content/section_3/leaking.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_2/leaking.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def leaking():
def working():
core = 'working'
with open('content/section_3/working.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_2/working.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)

@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def working():
def resourceful():
core = 'resourceful'
with open('content/section_3/resourceful.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_2/resourceful.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)

+ 3
- 3
web/app/main.py 查看文件

@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ def contents():
text = markdown.markdown(text)
return render_template('text.html', text=text)

# route for foreword page
# route for introduction page
def foreword():
with open('content/foreword.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/introduction.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)
return render_template('text.html', text=text)

+ 4
- 4
web/app/making.py 查看文件

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# @creation_date: 2022-10-27
# @license: The MIT License <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>
# @author: Simon Bowie <ad7588@coventry.ac.uk>
# @purpose: making route for Section 5: Making of
# @purpose: making route for Section 4: Making of
# @acknowledgements:

from flask import Blueprint, render_template
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ def index():
# route for interface design essay
def interface():
with open('content/section_5/on-interface-design.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_4/on-interface-design.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)
return render_template('making.html', text=text)

# route for databases essay
def databases():
with open('content/section_5/on-combining-databases-and-books.md', 'r') as f:
with open('content/section_4/on-combining-databases-and-books.md', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = markdown.markdown(text)
return render_template('making.html', text=text)

+ 9
- 9
web/app/static/styles/custom.css 查看文件

@@ -448,40 +448,40 @@ canvas > * {
background-color: var(--color-light-gray);


.offtherecord {
.conversations {
margin: 0% 20%;

.offtherecord h1 {
.conversations h1 {
text-align: center;

.offtherecord p {
.conversations p {
margin: 2rem 0rem;

.offtherecord img {
.conversations img {
width: 100%;

.offtherecord h2, .offtherecord h3 {
.conversations h2, .conversations h3 {
margin: 2rem 0rem;
padding: 0rem 1rem;

.offtherecord h2 {
.conversations h2 {
font-size: 2.25 rem;
background-color: var(--color-lightyellow);
border-radius: 0.5rem;

.offtherecord h3 {
.conversations h3 {
border-bottom: 0.25rem dashed var(--color-lightyellow);

.offtherecord li {
.conversations li {

web/app/templates/offrecord.html → web/app/templates/conversations.html 查看文件

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<div class="offtherecord">
<div class="conversations">
<a href="/contents/" class="arrow-back h1 text-left" title="back to index"> ⇽ </a>
{% extends "base.html" %}

+ 2
- 2
web/app/templates/index.html 查看文件

@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@

<div class="col text-center button-search button-hidden-off p-2 mb-5">
<a href="">off the record</a>
<a href="{{ url_for('conversations.index') }}">archive conversations</a>

<div class="info" style="display: none;">
<p class="code"> ↪ Some things are all over the patent archive but never made explicit. Off the record presents three artistic works that render these absent-present realities visible... </p>
<p class="code"> ↪ Some things are all over the patent archive but never made explicit. Archive Conversations presents three artistic works that render these absent-present realities visible... </p>

+ 15
- 29
web/content/TOC.md 查看文件

@@ -15,38 +15,25 @@
<span class="code">↪ add intro text to frontmatter here...</span>

- [Publisher: Mattering Press](/frontmatter/#publisher "links to frontmatter section publisher")
- [Copyright](/frontmatter/#copyright "links to frontmatter section copyright")
- [Citation](/frontmatter/#citation "links to frontmatter section citation")
- [Acknowledgements](/frontmatter/#acknowledgements "links to frontmatter section acknowledgements")
- [Funders](/frontmatter/#funders "links to frontmatter section funders")
- [Partners](/frontmatter/#partners "links to frontmatter section partners")
- [Contributors](/frontmatter/#contributors "links to frontmatter section contributors")

### [Foreword](/foreword)
### [Introduction](/introduction)
<span class="info" style="display: none;">
<span class="code">↪ add intro text to foreword here...</span>

### Section 1: Searching the archive
<span class="info" style="display: none;">
<span class="code">↪ Main search via keywords...</span>

### Section 2: Search Interventions
### Section 1: Archive Interventions
<span class="info" style="display: none;">
<span class="code">↪ Interventions are a mode of search, they disrupt ordering and invite unexpected readings....</span>

- [A search engine](/)
- [A poetics of titles](/interventions/titles)
- [A handful of fragments](/interventions/fragments)
- [A scattering of images](/interventions/scattering)
- [A random entry](/interventions/random)
- [A juxtaposition of two](/interventions/juxtaposition)
- [A timeline of inventions](interventions/#timeline "links to interventions section timeline of inventions)

- [Mapping the archive](/data)

### Section 3: [Hidden in plain sight](/hidden)
### Section 2: [Hidden in plain sight](/hidden)
<span class="info" style="display: none;">
<span class="code">↪ Searching for a history of women’s clothing inventors, that is in the archive, but hidden in plain sight....</span>
@@ -58,22 +45,21 @@
- [Working citizens](/hidden/working)
- [Resourceful citizens](/hidden/resourceful)

### Section 4: [Off the record](/offrecord)
### Section 3: [Archive conversations](/conversations)
<span class="info" style="display: none;">
<span class="code">↪ Some things are all over the patent archive but never made explicit. Off the record presents three artistic works that render these absent-present realities visible...</span>
<span class="code">↪ Some things are all over the patent archive but never made explicit. Off the record presents four artistic works that render these absent-present realities visible...</span>

- [I Martha Gowans](/offrecord "links to off the record section")
- [Sewing labour](offrecord/#sewinglabour "links to off the record section sewing labour")
- [Performing gender](offrecord/#performinggender "links to off the record section performing gender")
- [Colonial traces](offrecord/#colonialtraces "links to off the record section colonial traces")
- [Sewing the archive](/conversations/#sewingthearchive)
- [I Martha Gowans](/conversations "links to conversations section")
- [Caribbean Quilt](/conversations/#caribbeanquilt)
- [Women On The Move](/conversations/#womenonthemove)

### Section 5: Making of
### Section 4: Making of
<span class="info" style="display: none;">
<span class="code">↪ A series of essays from the makers on the research, methods, tools developed...</span>

- [On making search-engine book](making/#search-engine-book "links to making-of section on making search-engine book")
- [On interface design](/making/interface "links to making-of section on interface design")
- [On combining databases and books](/making/databases "links to making-of section on combining databases and books")
- [Making of - a collective interview](making/#interview "links to making-of section collective interview")
- [Making of—a collective interview](/making/#interview "links to making-of section collective interview")
- [On making the search-engine book](/making/search-engine-book "links to making-of section on making search-engine book")
- [A note on interface design](/making/interface "links to making-of section on interface design")

+ 0
- 1
web/content/foreword.md 查看文件

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
# Foreword

+ 1
- 0
web/content/introduction.md 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Introduction

web/content/section_3/active.md → web/content/section_2/active.md 查看文件

web/content/section_3/expanding.md → web/content/section_2/expanding.md 查看文件

web/content/section_3/intro-hidden.md → web/content/section_2/intro-hidden.md 查看文件

web/content/section_3/leaking.md → web/content/section_2/leaking.md 查看文件

web/content/section_3/resourceful.md → web/content/section_2/resourceful.md 查看文件

web/content/section_3/secret.md → web/content/section_2/secret.md 查看文件

web/content/section_3/working.md → web/content/section_2/working.md 查看文件

web/content/section_4/I-Martha-gowans.md → web/content/section_3/I-Martha-gowans.md 查看文件

web/content/section_5/on-combining-databases-and-books.md → web/content/section_4/on-combining-databases-and-books.md 查看文件

web/content/section_5/on-interface-design.md → web/content/section_4/on-interface-design.md 查看文件
