A search interface for the Performing Patents Otherwise publication as part of the Politics of Patents case study (part of Copim WP6): this parses data from the archive of RTF files and provides additional data from the European Patent Office OPS API. https://patents.copim.ac.uk

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  1. <h1 class="mt-5"> Table of Contents</h1>
  2. <span class="info" style="display: none;">
  3. <span class="code">↪ This website is the home of <i>Performing Patents Otherwise</i>. It is an archive, a website and an experimental electronic book that binds search, archive and writing in one publication. The landing page navigates the publication according to the conventions of a search engine, foregrounding search. The table of contents offers a way of navigating that foregrounds texts, which is more in line with the conventions of book making. The table of contents reveals a logic of zooming in, from the general search to more specific configurations of the relationships between search, content, ordering and sense-making.</span>
  4. </span>
  5. <br/>
  6. ### [Frontmatter](/frontmatter)
  7. ### [Introduction](/introduction)
  8. ### Search interferences
  9. <span class="info" style="display: none;">
  10. <span class="code">↪ Search interferences provide ways of searching that offer entry points to the patent archive that are otherwise obscured by the unspoken conventions of search engines.</span>
  11. </span>
  12. - [A search engine](/)
  13. - [A poetics of titles](/interferences/titles)
  14. - [A handful of fragments](/interferences/fragments)
  15. - [A scattering of images](/interferences/scattering)
  16. - [A random entry](/interferences/random)
  17. - [A juxtaposition of two](/interferences/juxtaposition)
  18. - [Mapping the archive](/data)
  19. ### [Archive conversations](/conversations)
  20. <span class="info" style="display: none;">
  21. <span class="code">↪ Archival conversations enter into conversation with the materiality of the patents bringing aspects of the archive to the fore that computational search cannot capture.</span>
  22. </span>
  23. - [Sewing the Archive](/conversations/sewing-the-archive "links to conversations section Sewing the Archive")
  24. - [I, Martha Gowans](/conversations/i-martha-gowans "links to conversations section I, Martha Gowans")
  25. - [Caribbean Quilt](/conversations/caribbean-quilt "links to conversations section Caribbean Quilt")
  26. - [Women on the Move](/conversations/women-on-the-move "links to conversations section Women on the Move")
  27. ### [Making of](/making)
  28. <span class="info" style="display: none;">
  29. <span class="code">↪ Reflections from the makers of <i>Performing Patents Otherwise</i>.</span>
  30. </span>
  31. - [Making Of—A Collective Interview](/making/interview "links to making-of section A Collective Interview")
  32. - [On Combining Databases and Books](/making/database-book "links to making-of section On Combining Databases and Books")
  33. - [Interfacing Data](/making/interface "links to making-of section Interfacing Data")