A search interface for data from the Politics of Patents case study (part of Copim WP6): this parses data from the archive of RTF files and provides additional data from the European Patent Office API.
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- <ul id="tabs">
- <li><a href="#url_for_type('all')" #if("#current_type"=="all")class="selected"#end>$resource.type.all ($response.response.facet_counts.facet_queries.all_types)</a></li>
- #foreach($type in $response.response.facet_counts.facet_fields.doc_type)
- #if($type.key)
- <li><a href="#url_for_type($type.key)" #if($type.value=="0")class="no_results"#end #if("#current_type"==$type.key)class="selected"#end> #label("type.${type.key}.label", $type.key) ($type.value)</a></li>
- #else
- #if($type.value > 0)
- <li><a href="#url_for_type('unknown')" #if("#current_type"=="unknown")class="selected"#end>$resource.type.unknown ($type.value)</a></li>
- #end
- #end
- #end
- </ul>
- <div id="results">
- #foreach($doc in $response.results)
- #parse("hit.vm")
- #end
- </div>