- # @name: resources.py
- # @creation_date: 2022-02-23
- # @license: The MIT License <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>
- # @author: Simon Bowie <ad7588@coventry.ac.uk>
- # @purpose: functions for resources
- # @acknowledgements:
- # isbntools: https://isbntools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/info.html
- # regex for URLs: https://gist.github.com/gruber/249502
- from flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, flash, redirect, url_for
- from .models import Resource
- from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
- from . import db
- from .relationships import *
- from isbntools.app import *
- import requests
- import re
- import json
- from sqlalchemy.sql import func
- import markdown
- # function to retrieve data about a single resource from the database
- def get_resource(resource_id):
- resource = Resource.query.filter_by(id=resource_id).first()
- if resource is None:
- abort(404)
- return resource
- # function to retrieve data about a resource and its relationships
- def get_full_resource(resource_id):
- resource = get_resource(resource_id)
- resource = append_relationships(resource)
- if resource.type == 'book':
- # render Markdown as HTML
- resource.description = markdown.markdown(resource.description)
- # get additional book metadata
- book_data = get_book_data(resource.isbn)
- if book_data:
- resource.__dict__.update(book_data)
- # if there's a GitHub repository link, get last GitHub commit date
- if resource.repositoryUrl and "github" in resource.repositoryUrl:
- # get commit date
- date = get_commit_date(resource.repositoryUrl)
- resource.__dict__['commitDate'] = date
- return resource
- # function to retrieve data about a curated list of resources
- def get_curated_resources(resource_ids):
- resources = Resource.query.filter(Resource.id.in_(resource_ids)).filter_by(published=True).order_by(func.random()).all()
- # append relationships to each resource
- append_relationships_multiple(resources)
- return resources
- # function to delete a single resource
- def delete_resource(resource_id):
- deletion = Resource.query.get(resource_id)
- db.session.delete(deletion)
- db.session.commit()
- flash('Successfully deleted!')
- # function to get filters for a specific field
- def get_filter_values(field, type):
- # get field values for filter
- field_filter = Resource.query.filter_by(type=type).filter_by(published=True).with_entities(getattr(Resource, field))
- # turn SQLAlchemy object into list
- field_filter = [i for i, in field_filter]
- # split each element on '/' (useful for scriptingLanguage only)
- field_filter = [y for x in field_filter for y in x.split(' / ')]
- # consolidate duplicate values
- field_filter = list(dict.fromkeys(field_filter))
- # filter None values from list
- field_filter = filter(None, field_filter)
- # sort list by alphabetical order
- field_filter = sorted(field_filter)
- return field_filter
- # function to get book data including metadata and covers
- def get_book_data(isbn):
- try:
- book = meta(isbn)
- description = {'desc': desc(isbn)}
- book.update(description)
- #book = get_book_cover(book)
- return book
- except:
- pass
- # function to get book cover data
- def get_book_cover(book):
- # get highest-resolution book cover possible
- openl_url = 'https://covers.openlibrary.org/b/isbn/' + book['ISBN-13'] + '-L.jpg?default=false'
- request = requests.get(openl_url)
- if request.status_code != 200:
- book.update(cover(isbn))
- else:
- book_cover = {'thumbnail': openl_url}
- book.update(book_cover)
- return book
- # function to retrieve last updated date from the database
- def get_last_date():
- resource = Resource.query.order_by(Resource.created.desc()).filter_by(published=True).first()
- return resource.created.isoformat()
- # function to retrieve last commit date from a GitHub repository for a tool
- def get_commit_date(repositoryUrl):
- # change repository URL to API URL
- api_url = repositoryUrl.replace("https://github.com", "https://api.github.com/repos")
- # get default branch name
- r = requests.get(api_url)
- r = json.loads(r.content)
- branch = r['default_branch']
- # get date of last commit on default branch
- api_url = api_url + "/branches/" + branch
- r = requests.get(api_url)
- r = json.loads(r.content)
- date = r['commit']['commit']['author']['date'][0:10]
- return date