Explorar el Código

database changes and updating to SQLAlchemy 2.0

Simon Bowie hace 1 año
Se han modificado 7 ficheros con 44 adiciones y 13 borrados
  1. +4
  2. +3
  3. +2
  4. +17
  5. +14
  6. +1
  7. +3

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web/app/book.py Ver fichero

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from .models import Resource
from .resources import *
from .relationships import *
from . import db
from sqlalchemy import text
import os

book = Blueprint('book', __name__)
@@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ def get_books():
for key in request.args.keys():
if key == 'practice':
query = 'SELECT Resource.* FROM Resource LEFT JOIN Relationship ON Resource.id=Relationship.first_resource_id WHERE Relationship.second_resource_id=' + request.args.get(key) + ' AND Resource.type="' + type + '";'
books = db.engine.execute(query)
with db.engine.connect() as conn:
books = conn.execute(text(query))
kwargs = {'type': type, key: request.args.get(key)}
books = Resource.query.filter_by(**kwargs)
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ def edit_book(book_id):
book.year = request.form['year']
book.bookUrl = request.form['bookUrl']
book.isbn = request.form['isbn']
book.typology = request.form['typology']
linked_resources = request.form.getlist('linked_resources')
remove_linked_resources = request.form.getlist('remove_linked_resources')

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web/app/models.py Ver fichero

@@ -43,14 +43,16 @@ class Resource(db.Model):
outputFormats = db.Column(db.Text)
status = db.Column(db.Text)
# practices
longDescription = db.Column(db.Text)
experimental = db.Column(db.Text)
lessonsLearned = db.Column(db.Text)
considerations = db.Column(db.Text)
references = db.Column(db.Text)
# books
author = db.Column(db.Text)
year = db.Column(db.Text)
bookUrl = db.Column(db.Text)
isbn = db.Column(db.Text)
typology = db.Column(db.Text)

# table for relationships
class Relationship(db.Model):

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web/app/practice.py Ver fichero

@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ def edit_practice(practice_id):
practice = Resource.query.get(practice_id)
practice.name = request.form['name']
practice.description = request.form['description']
practice.longDescription = request.form['longDescription']
practice.experimental = request.form['experimental']
practice.lessonsLearned = request.form['lessonsLearned']
practice.considerations = request.form['considerations']
practice.references = request.form['references']
linked_resources = request.form.getlist('linked_resources')

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web/app/templates/edit.html Ver fichero

@@ -123,14 +123,19 @@

{% elif resource['type'] == 'practice' %}
<div class="mb-3 mt-3">
<label for="experimental">How is this / Can this be an experimental practice?</label>
<textarea name="experimental" placeholder="How is this / Can this be an experimental practice?"
<label for="longDescription">Full description</label>
<textarea name="longDescription" placeholder="Full description"
class="form-control">{{ request.form['longDescription'] or resource['longDescription'] }}</textarea>
<div class="mb-3 mt-3">
<label for="experimental">Experimental use</label>
<textarea name="experimental" placeholder="Experimental use"
class="form-control">{{ request.form['experimental'] or resource['experimental'] }}</textarea>
<div class="mb-3 mt-3">
<label for="lessonsLearned">How has it been applied experimentally (lessons learned for authors and publishers)?</label>
<textarea name="lessonsLearned" placeholder="How has it been applied experimentally (lessons learned for authors and publishers)?"
class="form-control">{{ request.form['lessonsLearned'] or resource['lessonsLearned'] }}</textarea>
<label for="considerations">Considerations</label>
<textarea name="considerations" placeholder="Considerations"
class="form-control">{{ request.form['considerations'] or resource['considerations'] }}</textarea>
<div class="mb-3 mt-3">
<label for="references">References</label>
@@ -169,6 +174,13 @@
value="{{ request.form['year'] or resource['year'] }}">
<div class="mb-3 mt-3">
<label for="typology">Typology category</label>
<input type="text" name="typology" placeholder="Typology category"
value="{{ request.form['typology'] or resource['typology'] }}">
<div class="mb-3 mt-3">
<label for="bookUrl">URL</label>
<input type="text" name="bookUrl" placeholder="URL"

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web/app/templates/resource.html Ver fichero

@@ -160,23 +160,33 @@
{% endif %}
<!-- fields for practices -->
{% if resource['longDescription'] %}
Full description
{{ resource['longDescription']|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if resource['experimental'] %}
How is this / Can this be an experimental practice?
Experimental uses
{{ resource['experimental']|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if resource['lessonsLearned'] %}
{% if resource['considerations'] %}
How has it been applied experimentally (lessons learned for authors and publishers)?
<p style="white-space: pre-line">{{ resource['lessonsLearned']|safe }}</p>
<p style="white-space: pre-line">{{ resource['considerations']|safe }}</p>
{% endif %}

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web/app/templates/resources.html Ver fichero

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}

<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 text-center">
<h1>{% block title %}

+ 3
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web/app/tool.py Ver fichero

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from .models import Resource
from .resources import *
from .relationships import *
from . import db
from sqlalchemy import text
import os

tool = Blueprint('tool', __name__)
@@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ def get_tools():
for key in request.args.keys():
if key == 'practice':
query = 'SELECT Resource.* FROM Resource LEFT JOIN Relationship ON Resource.id=Relationship.first_resource_id WHERE Relationship.second_resource_id=' + request.args.get(key) + ' AND Resource.type="' + type + '";'
tools = db.engine.execute(query)
with db.engine.connect() as conn:
tools = conn.execute(text(query))
elif key == 'scriptingLanguage':
regex = request.args.get(key) + "$|" + request.args.get(key) + "\s\/"
tools = Resource.query.filter_by(type=type).filter(Resource.scriptingLanguage.regexp_match(regex))
